Annual General Meeting / Annual Reports

2023 WYSA Annual General Meeting Results

The Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association held the 2023 Annual General Meeting on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, and was chaired by WYSA President Martino Vergata. The membership approved the Association's previous meeting minutes, annual reports, and Booke & Partner as the auditors for the upcoming year. The membership also approved both the 2021/22 & 2022/23 financial statements and the financial audit report completed by Booke & Partner.  

At the Annual General Meeting, new By-Laws were voted on and approved by the membership which replaced the current By-Laws & Constitution as a single governing document. Some highlights of the By-Laws are as follows:

  • One membership category (By-Law #9). We have removed Associate Members from the By-Laws, with the Association only having Members of the Corporation.
  • Voting rights for all members (By-Law #20). All Members will receive a vote at a Special Meeting of the Members or at the AGM. Votes will be allocated based on the percentage of registered players from the previous fiscal year.
  • Annual Members Consultation (By-Law #26). WYSA will be providing a platform for the membership to provide feedback and address the ongoing needs and concerns of the Association, outside Special Meetings and AGMs.
  • Board Composition, Diversity, and Equity (By-Law #29). WYSA has included a By-Law that requires the Association to adhere to a board which is to be comprised of requirements for gender and historically underrepresented communities or groups.


The Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association By-Laws can be found here.

The 2022-2023 Annual Report can be found here.


2021 WYSA Annual General Meeting Results

The Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association held its Annual General Meeting on May 4, 2022. Chaired by Mr. Daryl Lindsay, President. The membership approved the Association's previous meeting minutes, annual reports, and financial audit report completed by Booke & Partner.

At the Annual General Meeting, the following Directors were elected for a two-year term:

Vice-President: Joe Aiello
Director of Communications: Ozzy Garrett
Director of Indoor: Dave Watson
Director of Finance: Andy Kozack
Director at Large - Disciplinarian: Linda Gzebb

The following Directors have been appointed by the WYSA Board of Directors:

President: Martino Vergata
Director of Coaching: Bryan Rychliski
Director of Outdoor: Sarah Schwendemann

The full list of the 2021-2022 Board of Directors can be found here.

The 2020-2021 Annual Report can be found here.

2020 WYSA Annual General Meeting Results

The Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association held its first (and hopefully last) virtual Annual General Meeting on November 26, 2020. Chaired by Mr. Daryl Lindsay, President. The membership approved the Association's previous meeting minutes, annual reports, financial audit report completed by Booke & Partner.

At the Annual General Meeting, the following Directors were elected for a two-year term:

President: Mr. Daryl Lindsay
Director of Coaching: Mr. Jim Zinko
Director of Outdoor: Mr. Andrew Patton
Director of Referees: Mr. Dave Holder

The full list of the 2020-2021 Board of Directors can be found here.

The 2019-2020 Annual Report can be found here.

2019 WYSA Annual General Meeting Results

The Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association held its Annual General Meeting on October 17, 2019, at the WSF Soccer South. Chaired by Mr. Daryl Lindsay, President. The membership approved the Association's previous meeting minutes, annual reports, financial audit report completed by Booke & Partner.

At the Annual General Meeting, the following Directors were elected for a two-year term:

Mr. Donn Pirie, Vice-President
Ms. Sarah Schwendemann, Director of Communications
Mr. James Kellough, Director of Indoor
Mr. Tom Thompson, Director at Large - Disciplinarian

The full list of the 2019-2020 Board of Directors can be found here.

The 2018-2019 Annual Report was presented to the membership along with the financial audit completed by Booke & Partner. The Association is in a healthy financial position. The outstanding loan of approximately $25,000 to the Winnipeg Soccer Federation for the purchase of the 75 LTPD nets was forgiven at the end of the fiscal year which greatly helped our position.  

Please click here for the 2018-19 Annual Report.

2018 WYSA Annual General Meeting Results

The Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association held its Annual General Meeting on October 17, 2018, at the WSF Soccer South. Chaired by Mr. Daryl Lindsay, President. The membership approved the Association's previous meeting minutes, annual reports, financial audit report completed by Booke & Partner.

At the Annual General Meeting, the following Directors were elected for a two-year term:

Mr. Daryl Lindsay, President
Mr. Jim Zinko, Director of Coaching
Mr. Andrew Patton, Director of Outdoor
Mr. David Holder, Director of Referees
The full list of the 2018-2019 Board of Directors can be found here.

The 2017-2018 Annual Report was presented to the membership along with the financial audit completed by Booke & Partner. The Association is a healthy financial position and is on its way to repaying the loan to the Winnipeg Soccer Federation for the purchase of the 75 LTPD nets which were provided to each soccer district back in 2013. As well, the Association achieved all-time highs in revenues for its tournaments and sponsorship, which resulted in the Association being able to reduce U9-U12 Recreational outdoor team fees for this past season, and all 2018-2019 indoor season team fees!! 

Please click here for the 2017-18 Annual Report.

2017 WYSA Annual General Meeting Results

The Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association held its Annual General Meeting on October 11, 2017, at the WSF Subway Soccer South. Chaired by Mr. Daryl Lindsay, President. The membership approved the Association's previous meeting minutes, annual reports, financial audit report completed by Booke & Partner.

At the Annual General Meeting, the following Directors were elected:

Mr. Todd Povey, Vice President
Mr. Troy Westwood, Director of Indoor
Mr. James Kellough, Director of Communications
Ms. Dorota Noszczyk, Director at Large

We'd also like to thank our outgoing Board member, Mr. Doug Sharpe who served as the Director of Indoor of the Association for four years. His most notable contributions include shifting our playing facilities to the best in the city, and, implementation of half-field play for our U11 - U17 developmental and premier leagues. We sincerely thank Doug for all his contributions and being so committed to improving the beautiful game here in Winnipeg.

Please click here for the 2016-17 Annual Report.

2016 WYSA Annual General Meeting Results

The Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association held its Annual General Meeting on October 19, 2016, at the WSF Subway Soccer South. Chaired by Mr. Adam Dooley, President, the membership approved the Association's previous meeting minutes, annual reports, financial audit report completed by Booke & Partner.

At the Annual General Meeting, the following Directors were elected:

Mr. Oai Truong, President
Mr. Todd Povey, Vice President
Mr. Andrew Patton, Director of Outdoor
Mr. David Holder, Director of Referees
Mr. Jim Zinko, Director of Coaching

We'd also like to thank our outgoing Board member, Mr. Alastair Gillespie, who served as President of the Association for many years. His contributions on and off the field are immeasurable and we sincerely appreciate all that he has done for the sport of soccer in Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association.

Please click here for the 2015-16 Annual Report.

2015 WYSA Annual General Meeting Results

The Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association held its Annual General Meeting on October 21, 2015, at the WSF Subway Soccer South. Chaired by Mr. Jim Zinko, the membership approved the Association's previous meeting minutes, annual reports, financial report and an amendment/addition to the WYSA Constitution, Article 10: MSA Voting Rights, which addresses the new MSA Member voting structure. 

However, most notably, the Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association is excited to have a full slate of Board members with Mr. Eric Laflamme, Mr. John Hudohmet, Mr. Todd Povey, Mr. Doug Sharpe, Mr. James Kellough, and Mrs. Dorota Noszczyk all being elected at this past AGM.

We'd also like to thank our outgoing Board members, Mr. Gary Coleman, Mr. Ron Malech, and Mr. Brian Cornick for their invaluable contributions to the Association. Click here for the 2015 Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association Annual Report.

2014 WYSA Annual General Meeting Results

The Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association is pleased to announce the re-election of 2 members and appointment of 1 member to its Board of Directors at the Association's Annual General Meeting, which took place on October 28, 2014. Continuing with the Board of Directors for another 2-year term are Adam Dooley, President, and Dave Holder, Director of Referees. Elected by acclamation to the Board was Jim Zinko as Director of Coaching.

The Association is also pleased to inform its members that Booke and Partners presented a clean audit of the 2013 - 2014 financial statements. The AGM was very well represented by its membership, so thank you to all of those who attended the AGM. A copy of the Association's post-AGM Annual Report can be found by clicking here.

2013 WYSA Annual General Meeting Results

Click here for the 2013 Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association Annual Report.


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