Weather / Air Quality / Match Cancellation Protocol

The weather in Winnipeg can be quite unpredictable at times. We have implemented a protocol when dealing with less than ideal weather for the outdoor season.

The first thing to know is that the individual Member Organizations (through their own internal process or via the City of Winnipeg) control and assign fields, so WYSA relies on them to inform us whether a field is playable. WYSA will only intervene on 'city-wide' cancellations, otherwise, it is up to the Member Organization where the match is being played, to determine whether the field is playable.

If the forecast predicts poor air quality, high humidity, rain, thunder-showers, snow, sleet, hail, (or anything else adverse), WYSA will put a notice on the website and through Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook letting everyone know that we're monitoring the weather.

A decision will be posted by 4:00 PM for the final decision regarding the night’s matches. Unless you have received notice that a match has been cancelled, or it has been broadcasted by WYSA through its social media channels, all teams and match officials should otherwise arrive ready to play.

If matches are to be played as scheduled, only the match official has the authority to abandon the match at the field should it be deemed unplayable or abandoned for adverse weather conditions.

As it relates to thunder/lightning, humidity, and air quality, please follow the below guidelines:

Thunder/Lightning - If you can hear thunder or see lightning, seek immediate safety indoors - “When thunder roars, go indoors.” After seeing lightning or hearing thunder, wait at least 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder or flash of lightning before returning to the field. At some point, the match may be abandoned due to insufficient time to finish the match. If this occurs, the referee and teams should inform WYSA immediately, so the outcome of the match can be determined.

Humidity - For a Humidex value of...

  • 30-34: Games will proceed as scheduled. A water break during each half may be allowed.
  • 35-39: WYSA may consider delaying kick-off or rescheduling the match. If WYSA decides to go ahead with its scheduled matches, multiple water breaks will be permitted during the course of each half of play (additional time shall be added by the match official).
  • 40+: All matches will be cancelled and rescheduled.

Air Quality - Current conditions can be checked here. For an air quality index of:

  • 1-3: Continue playing as normal.
  • 4-6: Reducing the duration of the match and/or providing extra breaks and/or rests.
  • 7+: WYSA will reschedule the match to a different date or find alternative indoor facilities to play.

If you have any questions about this, please contact us at or 204-233-8899.

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